May 2012  Eight Streets Neighborhood Association Meeting





26 Milford St


Lewis Legon, developer of 26 Milford, came to request neighborhood support for rear decks at 26 Milford street. Decks would be at parlor and 2nd floor levels. After presentation and discussion, membership voted to Not Oppose the addition of the rear decks. A Letter was sent to ZBA


21 Dwight St


Rob Ferris, developer of 21 Dwight, also come forward to add rear decks at the Parlor and 2nd floor levels. After presentation and discussion, membership voted to Not Oppose the addition of the rear decks. A Letter was sent to ZBA.


Trash Education


An open discussion took place concerning Trash Education. How can we best educate neighbors in order for trash and recycling to be put out at proper times in proper containers. The rational being that if we put our trash out better, there woudl be fewer trash issues on the street.

There were no strong conclusions reached. Continuing to hand out the Trash Fliers at meetings and events will help. ESNA wil also continue to work with DPW at the South End Forum meetings to come up with other South End Wide ideas to address trash issues. In the meantime the flier will be available on line, and attendees said they would "spread the word" via email and chatting with neighbors to try to attack the problem resident by resident.

Trash info, and our trash flier can be found on this trash blog entry


Meeting adjourned.  Next meeting Tuesday, June 6th