Eight Streets Neighborhood Association

6 June 2001 Meeting Minutes

Greeting & Introductions/Open Discussion.

The officers will arrange a potluck picnic for the near future.

Presentation on Proposed Deck for 548 Tremont St.

Mr. Kenneth Olson, the new owner of the third floor unit at this address, presented preliminary sketches showing a deck across the entire span of the building 22’ 10") and 6.5 feet deep supported by steel beams to the ground. There are currently no plans for the two units above this one to have decks, and none may be added to the commercial spaces below.

The membership voted to send a letter indicating that we do not oppose this construction contingent upon approval of abutters. Letter sent 6/7/01.

Discussion on Including Even Side of Shawmut in Our NA

Attendees provided interesting background on the history of NA coverage for the even side of Shawmut. Until 1984 it was a part of the Bradford St. organization; the Shawmut organization has been inactive since 1999 and some former members express interest in being a part of Eight Streets.

A question arose around whether this would extend to Pelham St., but research has shown that all documentation lists that stretch as a part of the Union Park NA. The membership voted to amend the by-laws to list the even side of Shawmut opposite our current territory as a part of Eight Streets NA.

Discussion on Impact of Columbus Center (Parcels 16 & 17)

Member Ed Allen and former President Doug Anderson (currently a resident of Ellis and an active voice in the Columbus Center citizen meetings) provided a review and update on this development. A significantly revised proposal is due to be announced on 6/14 (followed by perhaps only a two week comment period) at a 6:00 PM meeting at the Franklin Institute. Mr. Allen will draft a letter indicating that Eight Streets NA opposed and development on these sites which does not comply with the Civic Vision.

Presentation on Proposed Peters Park Dog Run Improvements

Liz Cahill of Friends of Peters Park appeared to request a letter of support around short-term improvements to the dog run. The current plan is to take a large block of the current fenced area, border it in brick and then excavate down 8" and fill the area with crushed stone. This is designed to reduce dust and dirt and will be paid for out of a $12,000 fund raised by FOPP for this purpose. While some in attendance expressed general concerns around the large number of dogs which the dog run attracts, the membership voted to send a letter supporting this specific change as presented.